Synthetic Fabrics

Synthetic Fabrics


We manufacture robust backings
for hand tufting and special applications,
as well as various secondary backings.

Floorcovering, synthetic

Industrial Textiles

For filtration, for reinforcement
as well as for substrates for coating -
our fabrics find use in a wide range of industrial applications.

Industrial Textiles, synthetic

Shade cloth

High quality shade cloth
with different values of light transmission
ensure the correct light conditions to enhance plant growth.

Shade cloth, synthetic


We offer premium textiles
for the reinforcement of
light weight components for industrial applications.

Composite, synthetic

Tapes and belting

We produce our tapes and belts
in different weights, widths and materials,
according to the specific demands of each application.

Tabes and Webbing, synthetic

Fire and Acoustic protection

Funktionale Gewebe aus Glas und Polyacryl
erfüllen im Gebäudemanagment schallabsorbierende,
und brandschutztechnische Zwecke.

Fire and acousitc protection, synthetic

The capabilities of our weaving mill

From A4 samples to a fabric width of 12,5 metres

Our factory offers a wide range of options to realise your ideas and fabric requirements. Regardless if large scale production is required or a new textile requires developing, we are your ideal partner. Utilising 30 odd weaving machines we produce fabrics up to 12,5 m wide. The sample weaving facility produces and tests new fabrics, and enables short run pilot production.
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